I see people laughing about being in and getting out of Facebook jail and I wonder what is it they do to get in that predicament and why are they so cavalier about it.
I go to find what it takes to be jailed and find that it could be some very horrible actions or statements or posts that demean, falsify or threaten but basically there is the being a simple ass and uncaring person that could and probably does land most of the people I am acquainted with in there.
Perhaps the worst aspect of our Society is the one where nothing is sacred and everything is funny and not realizing that what one sees as not being able to take a joke is another seeing that there is no joke. It's funny to see someone fall out of bed. If I hurt myself when I fall out of bed, well,that just ain't funny and I don't appreciate your thinking my pain is.
Taking it a step further,I say,"please don't laugh at my pain" and they say the equivalent of "cantja take a joke!"
They do not care to see how their behavior, their attitude, their cry of "My Freedom"are actually the absence of the common human responsibility to be kind to others.
To be continued...