Thursday, January 27, 2022


Don't you hate when " one second remaining" takes minutes?
When preferences are set and then you find out they changed?
When you tell your assistant to do something it does for you a thousand times from a routine you've set and it says,"sorry. I don't know that"!
And speaking of "Pet Peeves"...
I really get tired, aggravated,downright pissed at companies or other entities that attempt to get you to renew or even take advantage of their services when you are, in fact, already a paid-in-full member using and enjoying what they have to offer!
How many places am I enrolled and up-to-date only to get annoying alerts and wasted paper mailings trying to win me over?
I have been annoyed to the point in the past, if I don't really feel the need to keep the service to go ahead and drop it because of their practices.
And don't get me started on organizations that send me money, coins usually, in the attempt to entice me to be a caring giver. I keep the dough. 
I once sent a reply explaining how my father taught me to never send money through the mail and gave them his piece-of-mind as to how I felt about those who did so in the attempt to raise money for a cause.
"How can I trust you to know how to handle money when you send it through the mail?" !!!!!
Then there is the person who responds to something you say with " ha ha. You have too much time on your hands".
Are you implying that what I just told you or the thing I did was a complete and udder waste of time?
Sure, they mean it in a ha ha joking way but do they really stop to think that they are in fact telling you that that thing has no value. 
Perhaps it seems trivial to them and maybe it is trivial to you as well but you did said it. so it does have some worth in the scheme of things!

My Life by Song

1} It's a Boy-the Who  2} Child in Time- Deep Purple  3} School Days- Chuck Berry  4} School's Out- Alice Cooper, baby!  5} Speedfre...